Spring Clean-up – May 4, 2024

By Laura Heimann | 2-9-2024

To control costs and to promote community gatherings, the Cottonwood Creek Volunteer Spring Cleanup has been scheduled for Saturday, May 4th. All neighbors are encouraged to participate. We will meet at the Estates entrance at 9:00 a.m. where the fun will begin!

We will be mulching, cleaning up flower beds, trimming bushes/trees, etc. If you know of other areas that need attention, please notify Chris Stanek at your earliest convenience. If you have yard tools; clippers, rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows, UTV that is capable of hauling mulch/trash are all welcome.

Make it a family outing and meet friends within our community. If you are not physically able to help, consider donating food, deserts, drinks for the volunteers. Rain date is scheduled for May 11th @ 9:00 a.m.

Please RSVP by May 1st if you can volunteer to help with the clean-up or provide food/drinks.

Last year was a huge success…let us make it another year of food, fun and hard work!!!