Spring Clean-up – April 29

By Laura Heimann | 3-26-2023

In order to control costs and to promote community gatherings, the Cottonwood Creek Spring Clean-up has been scheduled for Saturday, April 29, 2023. Meet at the Estates entrance at 9:00 a.m. where the fun will begin! Rain date scheduled for Saturday, May 6th at 9:00 a.m.

We will be mulching, cleaning up flower beds, trimming bushes, fence repair, staining posts/signage, the path, etc. If you know of other areas that need attention, please notify Chris Stanek at your earliest convenience. Please bring your yard tools: clippers, rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows, UTV that is capable of hauling mulch/trash, they are all welcome.

Make it a family outing and meet friends within our community. If you aren’t physically able to help, consider donating food, deserts, drinks for the volunteers. Rain date is May 6th @ 9:00 a.m. Please RSVP to Sheri Stanek if you are able to volunteer to help with the clean-up or to provide food/drinks by April 21st.