If you have questions regarding the roads, please submit them in advance to Chris Stanek stanekchris55@gmail.com (by Monday, November 27th) and we will get responses from legal. Responses will be shared at the meeting.
The Washington County Sherriff’s Department is not available to attend due to prior commitments to discuss the Neighborhood Watch program. We will try again next year!
New Board Members
- In 2024, we will be adding two more Board member seats. We strongly encourage you to become a member of the HOA Board and make a difference in our community. Please click here for the Request for Nominations for HOA Board of Directors form.
- Please email the nomination form to Sheri Stanek at slstanek55@gmail.com no later than November 19, 2023.
- Ballots will be mailed out November 20th and will be due December 1, 2023.
- The Board acts as the elected representatives of the Cottonwood Creek community. As such, it is important to have active participation by the homeowners in the community.
- To qualify, you must be a homeowner, current on HOA and Assessment dues, who is able and willing to attend most HOA meetings and help the Board serve our community.