Annual Homeowners Association Meeting

By Laura Heimann | 11-30-2021

The Annual HOA Meeting has been cancelled.

Unfortunately, the Board has been hit with being exposed, recovering, and/or currently dealing with COVID.  Due to the recent increase in cases and how fast it is spreading, the Board has decided to cancel the Annual Meeting for this Sunday, January 9th.  We will be issuing, in the near future, a report on the roads and plan of action, 2022 Budget and the crisis of empty board seats.

Please consider running for the Board!  If we do not receive nominations, the Board has the right to nominate individuals to fill the seats. We really do not want to do this as we would hope everyone is vested in our community and doing their part. The current board members whose terms are up have graciously offered to keep the board going until new members are in place for a short period of time, so please offer to run.

Praying we can all come together when it warms up and the pandemic runs it course.